So while the rest of America was enjoying a three day holiday filled with BBQ’s, parties, drinks, and fun outdoor activities, I sslloowwllyy tried to recuperate.

The heart monitor was removed this morning ( causing more unintentional chest man-scaping) and I should have the results of that soon. I also get to visit a cardiologist ( Happy Happy Joy Joy!) on Friday.

After seeing Dr #1, I went straight to Dr. #2 to get needles put into my spinal facet ( it’s like acupuncture without having anyone of Asian descent in the room). My back actually feels somewhat improved.

After that, I tried to keep myself calm the rest of the day with work, waiting for the results of my blood work. That call came about 4pm. I was just waiting to hear the news ” sorry buddy, but you inhaled a nasty fungal spore while in the AZ desert. Looks like no trip to Africa for you this year”, or God forbid, it was something even worse….

But everything was normal. I didn’t quite know how to take the news. Could it be possible that my subconscious mind triggered my lungs to not function properly? And if so, why the hell would Mr. Brain do that?

Or it could be my heart. On one of my many ER trips last week, they did mention that something did not look quite right with my atrial valve. But they didn’t seem to think it was too serious, or that it would cause my other symptoms.

So with me feeling better today, I thought I would try a more natural approach, Garlic.  Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of garlic’s most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body’s immune cell activity. Besides, I love everything about it…taste, smell, texture, mmmmm. And…..
  • Builders of the ancient pyramids were said to eat garlic daily for enhanced endurance and strength
  • Roman emperors couldn’t eat enough of it, as it was considered an antidote to poisons which were very popular in certain political circles of the time.
  • The Spanish have long used garlic as a preservative which helps to add creadence to it’s anti-bacterial properties and whole books have been devoted to the health benefits of garlic.
  • European beliefs once considered garlic a powerful ward against demons, werewolves, and vampires. ( just in case I’ve been cursed or had a spell put upon me)   


 I don’t really use recipes. I felt like having my homemade salsa, and made a bean dip for dinner with my natural home remedy ( copious amounts of garlic to the dip). Threw in fat free refried beans, organic black beans and a little cheese.
It’s what’s for dinner. What can it hurt, and maybe, just maybe, it will help.

4 Replies to “Allium sativum…health update”

  1. Thanks for stopping my to read my blog. I always like to repay the favor and get an idea of who comments.

    Sorry to read of your health issue. I hope all ends up well. I am sure the garlic will help.

  2. Thanks EW.
    You are so right…luckily I like it better when my co-workers stay away, so it is working perfectly.

    And my friends think it's hiliarious.

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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