
I find myself back in my own little utopia of the world, Joshua Tree. I believe this to be my fourth consecutive trip out here. Time to hike, meditate and immerse my soul in the cold, high desert.

I let the randomness of thought guide my body towards new explorations. The Split Rock trail is where I end up, and so I start walking into the harsh climate. The sun is really beating down on the last weekend of October, all hallows eve.


The desert swallows me up, takes over my mind and an unknown force drives me forward. The initial excitement of adventure eventually is replaced by the anxiety of being lost.

Breath deep and focus I do. Trust your intuition and knowledge of the area. Focus on the position of the sun in the sky, and the rocky landmarks you remember that show the way back.

Most can’t understand this seemingly reckless path I take out in the wilderness. Why I push the boundaries of my own demise. Perhaps I just want to see what may be waiting on the other side, behind the veiled curtain of existence that is one’s current reality.


Maybe I’m just tired. or bored. Either way, Joshua Tree doesn’t seem to care. The desert carries on, finding new ways to survive. Maybe that is the lesson that I need to keep reminding myself of.