Earlier in the week I survived an HR nightmare that could have resulted in me losing my job. The stress of that experience is slowly melting from my consciousness as I take in the beauty of my new surroundings. The grounds of the Biltmore in the afternoon October sun is stunning.

I take in the mountains surrounding Asheville as I wander past grapevines towards Antler Hill Village. The charming buildings found here just beckon one to enter and explore.

I oblige.

Dark corridors showcase oak-aged barrels and the wine making equipment of another time. I find tasting rooms with patrons looking to get away from life and enjoy a glass of vino with specially prepared plates of cheese.

I forget all about my earlier brush with unemployment and my hatred for the person that caused such stress. I acknowledge the part that I played and chalk it up to another life lesson learned.

I move down another dark tunnel, losing my thoughts about work almost as quickly as the wine that is poured in front of me.

One Reply to “The Biltmore Winery”

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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