For years have I been trying to get a permit to hike The Wave, yet no matter how many times I’ve entered the lottery, the only thing that seem to happen is the BLM takes my money, with no return on my investments.

The road to this area is close to Cliff Dwellers, and so early in the morning I head on out along the dusty trail to see what I can find on my own. Perhaps there is some secret back entrance or long forgotten path to take me deep into this sacred site.

After a few miles I see signage indicating a way to White Pocket, another area that I’ve yet to explore. I am forewarned about long stretches of deep sand on this route, but I have four wheel drive and so I think nothing of it….

For miles I see nothing but empty space, then eventually I approach a single dwelling with plenty of “Private Property” signs scattered about. The sand gets really deep now, and my confidence in four wheel drive safely getting me through it wanes quickly. Another sign states I still have about seven miles to go before I reach White Pocket. I let safety prevail over adventure, and turn the truck around. White Pocket will need to wait for another day.

Hours later I make it back out onto the main dirt road. I come to the Northern beginning of the Arizona Trail, which means I’m at the Arizona/Utah border.

Not far from here is a parking lot and trailhead to Wire Pass. I know nothing about this trail, but it’s mid-morning at this point and the sun is really cooking now. I decide to hike it anyway….

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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