Chicky chicky ya!!! So i finally made it up to Alta for the first ski trip of the season. i’ve been waiting for the ski resort to get a 100 inch base, which happened this week, so Saturday me and jared headed up. The conditions were perfect, with 6 inches of new powder everywhere, hardly any long lifts lines. With both of us strapped in with our new helmets ( which i always use after my crash two years ago) and ipods set with great tunes (my playlist was a cool mix of Ben harper, Wilco, Pearl Jam, and Coldplay) we were set to go.

After 15 runs though, we both were beat. I guess no matter how much you workout, age just kicks your trash. But, I hope that after this season, i’ll have improved not only my skill, but my endurance. More to come in the coming weeks. keep the snow falling!

Jared after a successful Jump

At the end of a Black Diamond run with deep powder
Self portrait after a good day
jared relaxing in the truck after skiing
Me in the truck after skiing. All the steam made everything a little fuzzy….

Jared at the top of Sunrise
Me at the top of Sunrise
Picturequese mountain view of Alta
Me with glove in mouth…

jared trying to get some air….
Me taking off on our favorite jump of the day
Sweet pic of Jared coming down the mountain
Jared trying the get air, then just trying not to fall…
After a successful run, heading down to call it a day.

//’s video of a jump attempt, with my terrible commentary. My career as a sports announcer definitely needs improvement.

2 Replies to “Alta in Jan 08- 1st ski trip of the season”

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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