It’s been a few weeks, more than enough time for the snow that came ripping through the area last month to have melted away. Back to Sedona I go, with the plan this time around being to venture deep into the Boynton Canyon Vortex.

Although I arrive early (7 a.m.) the parking lot at the trailhead is completely full. Luck was on my side though, as I remember reading that if you park on the street about an 1/8 of a mile away, you can find a trail off the road that will connect you to the Boynton trail, and no need to pay to park in the lot.

It doesn’t take me long before majestic views fill my morning.

The start of the trail follows a resort community for the first 1/4 mile or so, but soon thereafter you are immersed fully in the Red Rock wilderness. For those brave enough, you can go off trail to try and find all kinds of hidden gems in the red sandstone cliffs, but since this is my first time on the trail, I stick to the designated route.

My mood is jovial, spirits are high as I move along, the anticipation of what views lie at the end of this trail have me excited. I make the final climb up from the canyon floor, and turn around to see the canyon that I just hiked through.

Glorious, just goddamn glorious. Can’t wait for Fall to return so that I can go off trail to find those hidden vortex gems.

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Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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