
The Holidays are over, at least officially, but that warm and special feeling is still lingering with many of us. The first week of 2022 finds myself back at the Desert Botanical Gardens for the Chihuly exhibit.


Desert light in the winter afternoon is my favorite time of day. The blown glass work on display next to the mighty Saguaro’s is an inspirational sight to behold.

I enjoy my Friday evening slowly checking out each exhibit, savoring the artistry on display. It keeps filling me with the hope that Christmas gives us for a moment.

Trying to keep the magic spirit of the season alive in one’s heart.

I look back upon this time all these months later, with the 20/20 vision of hindsight, and marvel at how quickly the magic disappeared from my soul. Stress and drink drive my motivation into a stank toilet of despair.


I suppose I was happy for a moment, for whatever that may mean…..