I sit in the splendor of the Fruitland highlands and wonder if I’ve ever truly left….
The cabin stays the same, the scenery hasn’t changed, the people I love are all here.
Maybe I’m just in a dream, and need to be submersed in a tub of ice cold water to snap me out of my entrapment.
Yet everything I see here has shimmering around the edges, letting me know that I’m only making memories before returning back to my reality.
So I take full advantage of this time, long walks and talks with my two best friends, creating big smiles as Jenga blocks fall.
We ride along dirt roads as the sun sets, sit in comfortable silence around a roaring fire, play darts and tether ball to pass time during long and lazy afternoons.
I lip sync teen pop music hits in terrible fashion, but it makes us all laugh.
I love to roam back to the love shack cabin with these two.

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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