I’ve dreamed about parasailing in the Caribbean for years. When I mention this bucket list item to people, I usually get the same response….“you know you can do that at most lakes here, right?”
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True, but that isn’t the adventure that I’m looking for. As soon as I get to my Sea Garden Resort in Montego Bay, I ask the front desk staff if they can hook me up to go parasailing on the island.

The gent that is working the lobby pulls me aside, and tells me that he’ll drive me for half the price the hotel will charge me to set up the tour.

Deal. I love getting the local discount, and would rather spend my money helping out him than a bigger company. He has a family to feed.

So I climb into his car a couple of days later and we make the beautiful coastal drive from Montego Bay out to Negril.
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Negril is the complete opposite of Montego Bay, super chill and laid back. People are drinking and smoking on the white sand beach, enjoying the cool ocean breeze that comes in off the turquoise waters.

I get into a small boat with a nice family from Spain, and before we know it we are heading on out to get our adventure started….

When it is my turn to go up I can’t wipe the stupid grin from my face. The views become more spectacular the higher I get. I’ve no idea how long I was up there, but it felt like an eternity.

It was the most perfect dream that I never wanted to end.
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When I return, Tony (the guy that helped arrange this adventure for me) tells me that I can chill on the beach and that the drinks at the bar are complimentary. I pony on up to a never ending supply of Red Stripe and let the Jamaican sun kiss my white skin. I’ve no idea where my driver is, but am too relaxed to care.

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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