Almost every morning for the last two years I’ve awoke to the beauty of the San Tan mountains off in the distance, as seen from my bathroom window as I get ready for the day.

With so much to see and experience here in the Phoenix area, it had taken this long but the time had finally come to shake the cobwebs out of the old mountain bike and hit the trails of the San Tan mountains.
 It was almost 730 am when I started to ride, the wheels spinning out in the soft desert sand. I grab traction quickly enough though and find my footing as I start climbing up the mountains. Desert morning light softly illuminates the cacti and teddy bear chollas as I bob and weave my way along the dusty single track.
 Sweat starts pouring off my brow as I ascend, yet I find my body is more adaptable to this exertion thanks to my new daily workout routine. Fitness is a funny thing. I make the climb and find my speed increasing as I dart through the washes and make quick work of the inclines.

I’m killing it out here.
 I have no thoughts of Sea Bee and our lack of communication lately, in fact I’ve welcomed it. My psychic reader told me to stay away from her, and that being out riding is best for my mental stability.

Besides, the world view from a bike is the best view, in my opinion.

“If I fall along the way, Pick me up and dust me off. and if I get too tired to make it, Be my breath so I can walk.”

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Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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