On my last day in Rome, I awoke to the pleasant sounds of raindrops falling. While some may choose to view their last day in the eternal city filled with rainy weather as a bad sign, I looked at it as a chance to change my plans and find something new, exciting, unexpected….

As my taxi pulled up and dropped me off at my chosen destination, I looked up thru the rain at the enormous walls surrounding the Vatican, with the Gothic entrance before me….

The art that religion inspires is amazing to me. And no greater artwork did I find than behind these hallowed walls….from great oil paintings to magnificient sculptures, rare artifacts from around the world……..all were hidden here among the great halls within this spiritual domain.

The Sistine Chapel was so beautiful that I lack the words to describe it, and even if photo’s were allowed in there, none could possibly capture it’s scope or beauty.

It was an artist lover’s and photographer’s dream, and I hope you feel the raw emotion in this.

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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