It’s mid morning when we pull up to the entrance of Upper Antelope.
More cars and safari vans are also parked here, which is a shock since the tour so far has only been the three of us and our guide.

It’s the most infamous of the canyons though, and as we enter the first room, you see why…

Upper Antelope is unique in that the top of the canyon is very narrow ( you can jump across it if one were allowed), and then opens to expansive rooms at the canyon’s floor. The sunlight shines down from the cracks at the top, creating light beams.

The walls constantly are changing colors due to the minerals in the stone. You put your camera flush against the wall, point up, and capture surreal images.

Mother nature uses her tools of wind and water to shape artwork such as El Corazon ( the heart),

and a scene that to my imagination appears to be ocean waves frozen in time….

Like sand in an hourglass, the patience of the earth is an unstoppable force, yielding incredible results over many a millennium.

As we left Upper Antelope and broke for lunch, I found a roadside stand selling Navajo tacos, two dollars each. I grab a couple, find a rock, and sit in the November desert sun absorbing the day so far.

Can’t wait to see what the afternoon will bring.

One Reply to “Upper Antelope (part 3)”

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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