My challenge in trying the Cathedral Rock hike in the Sedona Vortex was finding where to begin. I ended up going through the Village of Oak Creek and along a dry and dusty road in the back country for a few miles, further and further away from civilization.
I find a crossing of route trails out in the sparse desert landscape that will lead me to my destination. I check my water levels as it is already 90 degrees out on this April morning, and it’s not even eight am yet.

and away I go….
Less than a mile in and I find myself under the cool shade of trees that line the Sedona river banks. The water is rushing and babbling alongside the trail. Soon enough though, the trail ascends the red stone quickly through short switchbacks until I find myself above the valley.
In the open expanses of red earth I find yoga groups, peaceful meditations, and mountains bikers. A group of hikers are talking excitedly ahead of me, only to find that my first slitherin’ creature is on the trail. I’ve no idea what type of snake this is, but to watch it’s slow movements and forked tongue entices me.
As I pass the snake by, I see a steep rock chute that one must climb if you want to reach Cathedral Rock. Many are hesitant, especially with having just passed the snake, as you never know if another may be hiding in the rocky crevices of the chute.
I climb on however, and summit the chute. I see the cathedral spires closer now, and can taste the sweet victory ahead of me. Sweat is pouring off me in buckets now, and I strip down to the bare essentials as I tackle the last remaining incline.
I walk out onto the the edge, numb from the view, inspired by the journey.

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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