My love of the Arizona Renaissance Festival has blossomed over the years into a true romance. This year I went further into the cosplay than I ever had before, dressing up in a different costume every weekend. It brought me even more joy than I had hoped for, making 2023 the best RenFest yet. Read along for all the fun ye faire wankers!

I started the Fair festivities as a noble Ranger, protector of hobbits and princesses, donned in cloaked mystery.

The following day I went back to time to the land of Carpathia, home of Dracul and other wild beasts of this haunted land. Ladies bowed and swooned at my magnetism and brooding nature….

My inner Viking came out the following weekend, complete with animal furs for warmth, dark face paint to show my warrior spirit, not to mention my mighty axe swinging against my hip. Huzzah!

Dead Pirate’s weekend let me find more love with white ghost face paint and bedowin scarf that helped me trapse through the desert sand as I reveled in drink and song.

The next weekend was another variation of a Celtic warrior, and probably my favorite look so far. Fellow travelers looked at me not so much with admiration but with fear and wonder, as not many others from my tribe were to be found.

Wizard’s weekend brought out this ridiculous hat. I laughed every time I caught a reflection of myself. The RenFest is nothing if not a place where one can freely express themselves in any manner you fit, with no judgements.

From the land of the Mongols comes this costume, complete with an authentic Deel, drinking horn, and hat that I felt was made for royalty.

Another dead pirate with deadly knife got plenty of stares, as well as a face tattooed sailor, and purple haired elf, and a Scottish Highlander in full kilt. Want to see even more? The 2023 Arizona Renaissance Festival experience through my eyes is below….

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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