It was probably that one weekend in January when the playoffs were over and the Super bowl was upcoming. No football on the TV, so I head up to Sedona to enjoy some crisp winter air.

The cowboy feeling that The West usually gives me was extra strong this morning as I get out onto the trail. Puddles of water are frozen, with snow clinging to the tops of the mountains. I pass by the now every so familiar peaks of the Vortex.

I come to a crossing and decide to make my way over to Submarine Rock, a place I’ve not been to before. Off in the distance I see a group on top of this formation, looking like ants scouring for food at a picnic. A jeep goes before me and slowly heads down a steep pass.

I decide to follow suit.

The descent was tricky and steep, but it got me to the base of Submarine Rock quickly. That group that I saw before was gone. I find my way up.

I am alone on top of Submarine Rock, with glorious views of the Vortex from all angles.

I take an alternate route down, then try to see if I can make a full circle of the area to get back to my vehicle. That idea fails, but I do enjoy the attempt to summit and scramble even if I end up eventually taking the same trail out that I followed into the Vortex.

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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