My niece has been hard at work over the last several months as part of a local ballet production of Peter Pan.

As I walked into my old high school and took a seat, I reflected on how a small community really, truly comes together to put on a production such as this.

The stage work, the countless hours volunteered, the time and devotion of the the teachers, students, parents….

It brought a new appreciation of my hometown to mind. As the show went on, many of the songs played during the performance were from one of my favorite movies, Finding Neverland.

This was the last movie I saw with my sister. We both cried at the end.

As my niece twirled, smiled and waved as she danced as a little mermaid, I swelled with an Uncle’s pride, as a tear made its way down my cheek.

One Reply to “Finding Neverland”

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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