“and on the left side of the plane you can see the coast of Cuba….we will be arriving in Jamaica in about 40 minutes…..”

For the longest time I had no real desire to explore the Caribbean islands, but after going to Puerto Rico, Belize and Cancun, I’ve evolved from that line of thinking to realize just how special the Caribbean is…..
 I step off the plane in Montego Bay and head to the shuttle bus that will take me to the Sea Garden Resort, my home for the next few days while here. The first thing I get asked is if I “smoke”. I laugh and shake my head, as I wasn’t too sure about the laws regarding marijuana in Jamaica.

Come to find out it’s as legal here as it is in Amsterdam, and is an intricate part of Jamaica’s history and culture. If one can get over their preconceived notions about marijuana, you can learn quite a bit from the locals….
 The resort is only five minutes from the airport, which depending on your travel style, may bother you but for me I like watching the planes come in from the ocean and the sound didn’t bug me in the least.

The resort is built in a typical British colonial style, as Jamaica is part of the British Empire. The beach is private and just across a small street. The area is full of locals, musicians and Rastafarians. With a never ending rum drink in my hand, I go into full beach relaxation mode.
 The one constant in Jamaica is the people’s love of the reggae singer Bob Marley. I didn’t fully realize until coming here how much of an influence he had on the entire country, and still does to this day. It truly speaks to how music can influence positive change forever in the hearts and minds of people.

Wench, bring my ale, what say you?

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